Friday, February 25, 2022

LIOC Again Increased Fuel Prices

 As the price of a Crude oil barrel in the  world market is on the rise ,Lanka Indian Oil Company (LIOC)  has increased the prices of the  liter of  Diesel and Petrol by Rs.15 and Rs.20 respectively with efect from midnight last night(25) .

Accordingly The price of a liter of Auto Diesel has been increased to Rs.139 and a Liter of Octane -92 Petrol has been increased to Rs..204 it has been reported .LIOC had increased it's fuel prices on  06th of february as well.

Ukraine Urges Citizens To Defend Capital



 ආදරය,කරුණාවන්තකම .විශ්වාසය ,මනුස්සකම හා දිරි ගැන්වීම  යන  උසස්ම ත්‍යාගයන් කෙනෙකුට  ලබා දිය හැක්කේ සැබෑ ආදරණීයයෙකුට පමණකි (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )

Electricity Board To Recommend Government To Increase Electricity Fares

Higher  officials of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)are planning to recomend the government through the Public Utilities Commission  to increase the Electricity fares  according to Electricity Board officials .

According to  the Electricity Board officials Electricity fare in the country has not been increased after 2014.The Electricity  fare has  been decreased by 25 percent  in 2014 they have stated .

26 Corona Deaths Had BeenE

 A total of 26 Corona deaths had been reported in the country today (25)Increasing  the total number of Corona deaths reportes so fsr to 16,142 the Directot General Of Health Setvices (DGHS).

Accordingly 13 males and 13 females had died due to Corona infection the DGHS had stated.Out of the deceased  20 were over 60 yera of age and 06 were belonged  to the 30-60 year age group.

1286 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (25)

 Another 1286 Corona Positives had been reported in the country today (25) Increasing the total number of Corona Positives reported so far to 643,072 according to Epidemiology Unit .

At the moment 18,704 Corona Positives are being treated at Hospitals ,Quarantine Centers and under home care system the Unit has stated .