Saturday, August 14, 2021
එකිනෙකා වෙනුවෙන් කැපවීම් කළ හැකි බැඳීම් විරලය
බොහෝ සබඳතා පිටතින් පෙනෙන තරමට සුන්දර නොවනුයේ ඒවා හුදෙක් අන්යයන්ට ප්රදර්ශනය කිරීම සඳහා පමණක් පවත්වාගෙන යන ඒවා වීම නිසාය ,සිතෙහි ඊර්ෂ්යාව ,කුහකකම ,ආඩම්බරය තබා ගෙන ජීවත් වන එවැනි ජීවිත සැබවින්ම ව්යාජ ඒවා වේ ,කුමන සබඳතාවයක් වුවද සත්ය වනුයේ එවැනි දැ බැහැර කරමින් එකිනෙකා තේරුම් ගෙන අවංකව කැපවීම් කරන්නේනම් පමණි ,(උපුටා ගන්නා ලද්දකි )
President Had Refused To Lockdown The Country As Requested By Medical Specialists -Decided To Ban Inter Provincial Movements
Instead of imposing an island wide lockdown in the country to curb the Current corona pandemic ,Government had decided to tightened the current Inter provincial restrictions with effect from midnight yesterday (13) night .Under this decision Government has decided to ban inter provincial travel and accordingly no one in a province will be able to cross the borders of another Province except the individuals involved in essential services Government has announced ,
Also State sector institutions are being allowed to restrict the employees who are returning to work daily due to the Current pandemic and private sector too is being allowed to do the same ,
However Medical specialists in the country again urged the government to impose a nationwide twoo week lockdown to curb the spreading of Delta variant and to reduce the amount of deaths among corona patients ,
Meanwhile President Gotabahya Rajapakshe had yesterday again refused to lockdown the country as Medical specialist are being requested ,He had refused to lockdown the country during a meeting held between him and Health Ministry Officials on last Thursday as well .
155 Corona Deaths And 3142 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (13)
A total of 3142 Corona Positives and 155 Corona deaths had been reported in the country yesterday (13) according to the Director General Of Health Services .Accordingly the total number of Corona deaths reported from the country has been increased to 348,270 it has been revealed .
With the 155 corona deaths reported yesterday (13) the total number of Corona deaths reported so far has been increased to 5775 the Director General Of Health Services ,Out of the deceased 85 were males and 70 were females it has been reported .There were 111 persons over the ages of 60 years among the dead .
At the moment 38,022 Corona Positives are being treated at Government hospitals and Quarantine Centers .
Friday, August 13, 2021
A 43 Year Old British National Had Been Arrested With A Haul Of Cannabis
Hikkaduwa Police had arrested a 43 year old British National with 01 Kilo Gramme of Cannabis in his possession at Hikkaduwa area during a raid carried out yesterday (12) .
The suspect was arrested according to an information received by the police and he is due to be produced before the court ,
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Consumer Affairs Authority Had Issued A Circular Regarding Fixed Prices For "PCR " And "Rapid Antigen Tests
The consumer affairs authority had today (12) issued a circular regarding the fixed prices of "PCR " amd "Rapid Antigen "Tests performs in Private health sector ,
Accordingly private sector should charge Rs.6500 for a "PCR " test and Rs.2000 for a "Rapid Antigen "Test from the public .Those who are violating the circular will be punished according to the law the Health Ministry had stated ,
3039 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (12)
A total of 3039 Corona positives had been reported to day (12) in the country ,increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so fat to 345,118 according to Director General Of Health Services ,
At the moment 37,199 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals and Quarantine Centers it has been revealed ,
Sri Lanka Has Reported 156 Coroan Deaths Today (12)
Sri Lanka has reported 156 Corona deaths today (12) increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far in the country to 5620 according to Director General Of Health Services
Accordingly 87 Males and 69 females had died due to Corona infection and out of the deceased 121 were of the age over 60 years ,
The Commonwealth Business Forum has inaugurated today (12) by president Mahinda Rajapaksha at Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo with the par...
A Motor Bicycle Rider was critically Injured and Hospitalized due to another underworld type shooting incident occurred at Delgaha Junction...