Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Two Corona Deaths Reported Today (03)

 Two females of the ages 68 and 61yrars old had died today (03) as the 22nd and 23rd. corona victims of the country  according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly a 68 year old female resided in jampata street in Colombo who has died due to neumonia at home and 61 year old resident of Grandpass in Colombo who has died at home due to an illness had been tested positive for corona virus through the "PCR "Tests performed on them during their post mortems .

Ministry Of Education Had Been Temporarily Closed Down After Identifying A Corona Podptovdx be q

 The Ministry Of Education located at "Isurupaya " Building in Battaranulla (Colombo )had been temporarily closed down today (03)after identifying one of staff members as a Corona positive .

Accordingly an office assistant attached to Ministry of Education had been tested positive for corona virus .

The Ministry Building had been temporarily  closed down to disinfect the building according to reports. 

332 Corona Positives Had Bee. discharged From Hospitals Today (03)

 A total of 332 Corona positives had been discharged from government hospitals today (03)after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit. 

Accordingly 5581 Corona positives had been discharged from Hospitals so far after full recovery. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Indians Asked To Eat More Sugar To Racks The Over Supply


True Friends Never Loose Their Hope Of To Be With Each Other Every Day Even During The Lockdown As True Friendship Cannot Be Locked Down


A Suicide Death Earlier Declared As Corona Death Later Turns To A Death Not Related To Corona Virus

 Although a 27 year old youth who had died due to the effects of hanging himself tested positive for Corona virus during the post mortem held on his death ,Epidemeology Unit has yesterday (02)decided to remove that death from Corona related death list of the country by considering it as a death Not caused due to corona virus 

The youth has died  on Admission to Panadura Hospital on 31st of October after hanging himself to commit suicide and during the post mortem he had tested positive for Corona virus through the "PCR " Test performed on him .

Last noon Epidemeology Unit has announced this death as the 22 nd Corona death in the country ,However later in the day declared it as a death not related to Corona virus as it's a suicide death  

Due to this the  total number of Corona  deaths in the country stands at 21 The director of Epidemeology Unit Dr Sudath Samaraweera has stated .

Deadly Terrorist Shooting In Vienna


Today(25) Is Chiristmas Day

  Christmas  is an annual festival commemorating  the birth  of  Jesus Christ , observed primarily on December 25 [ a ]  as a  religious  an...