Friday, October 30, 2020

140 Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (30)

 A total. Of 140 Corona positives had been discharged from government hospitals today (30) after full recovery according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly Majority of them which is 78 were discharged from Neville fernando Teaching hospital in Malabe and the rest were discharged from 09 government hospitals including IDH hospital in Angoda and Kaththankudy hospital ,after full recovery .

The total number of Corona positives discharged from Hospitals do far had risen to 5804 according to authorities .

Majority Of Corona Positives Had Been Reported From Colomno Yesterday (29)

 The majority of Corona positives reported yesterday (29)in Sri Lanka  had been identified from Colombo District according to the National  Covid -19 prevention center


Accordingly 209 Corona positives had been reported from Colombo District , 199 were reported from Gampaha District  and 46 were reported from Jaffna District yesterday .

A total of 586 Corona positives had been reported yesterday in the island 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

586 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterday (29)

 A total of 586 Corona Positives had been reported yesterday (29)in the Island increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 9791accotding to Epidemeology. unit .

Out of these positives majority were members of Minuwangoda Brsndix and Paliyagoda fish market Corona clusters and their contacts  it has  been revealed .There were four sea marshals arrived in Sri Lanka and under quarantine at quarantine centers among those positives reported yesterday according to reports .

At the moment 5630 Corona positives. Are being treated at Government hospitals .

Landslides Killed 19 In Vietnam 



Thirteen Police Officers Of The Colombo Crimes Division Had Been Tested Positive For Corona Virus

 Thirteen Police officers attached to Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) had been tested positive for corona virus through "PCR "tests performed on them according to sources  

These Corona positive police officers had been infected with the virus through a  police constable attached to the canteen of CCD who had been tested positive for the virus earlier the sources had revealed .

After identifying the Corona positive police constable 20 police officers attached to CCD had  undergone "PCR "tests and 13 of  them had been tested positive for the virus 

President Has Instructed The Officials To Expand "PCR tests Islandwide

 President Gotabaya Rajapskshe  has today(29)instructed the officials  attached to Covid -19 presidential Task force to perform "PCR "Tests island wide to prevent the spreading of Corona virus in the country  during a meeting held with the officials today (29) at President s office in Colombo


President has also ordered the officials to find the cause behind the rising of Corona infections in the country and prevent any future outbreaks of the virus .

The. officials of the Task force had shown the president that the Corona virus had spread 28 MOH areas out of the 352 MOH areas in the country and steps had been taken to  prevent the spreading of virus to rest of the  MOH areas.