Saturday, September 12, 2020

Fourteen Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From.Hospitals Yesterday (12)

  • A  total of 14 Corona positives had been
    discharged from hospitals yesterd
    ay  (12)after full recovery according to Epidemeolgy Unit. 

Accordingly these Corona positives had been discharged from Infectious Diseases Hospital in Angoda and Welikanda Base  hospital yesterday,increasing the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals after full recovery to 2983 .

At the moment 200 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals.

Oxford University To Resume Corona Vaccine Trial After Pause

Friday, September 11, 2020

Dozens Of People Missing Due To Deadly Wild Fires In Oregon ,USA

Ekweemak Misa Wenweemak NomathI Thana Awanka Mithudama Pawathi

MIgrants And Greek Islanders Protest Over A New Camp


Government Delayed The Implementing Of The Decision To Ban Cattle Slaughter In The Country For A Month

The implementing of the  decision
made by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakshe few days back  to stop cattle slaughter in the country completely is Seems to be delayed after Cabinet  Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella announced last Thursday that the implementation of the decision will be delayed for a month period .

During the Cabinet brirfing held at Government Information Department last Thursday  (10) Cabinet Spokesman Rambukwella has told that there's a need to take opinions of various factions over the decision before implamenting  it .

Buddhist priests already praised the decision taken during the Government Parliamentary group meeting by the premier .However most in the society believes it will not become reality.