Akmeemana Police have arrested 28 youth including 02 females at a Facebook party held in a Hotel at Akmeemana ,Galle in wee hours of this morning (30) as some of them had narcotics in their possession .
Police have found 06 packets of Kerala Cannabis in possession of 06 youth it has been revealed .All the arrested youth are 18-22 years old and arrived at the party from several areas including Rathnapura ,Ehaliyagoda ,Ampara and Uhana areas it has been reported ,They had purchased tickets for the Party for Rs.500,1500 and 5000 organized by a Facebook Group according to reported.
The arrested youth are due to produce before Galle Magistrate Court over violating quarantine rules the Police have stated .
Police have found 06 packets of Kerala Cannabis in possession of 06 youth it has been revealed .All the arrested youth are 18-22 years old and arrived at the party from several areas including Rathnapura ,Ehaliyagoda ,Ampara and Uhana areas it has been reported ,They had purchased tickets for the Party for Rs.500,1500 and 5000 organized by a Facebook Group according to reported.
The arrested youth are due to produce before Galle Magistrate Court over violating quarantine rules the Police have stated .