Health Trade Unions are demanding
the Government to Advertise the Post of Director General Of Health Services (DG)and appointed a suitable person for the post without appointing someone to cover the duties of the Post (Acting ).
Health trade unions are demanding this As Deputy Director General of Health Services (Planning ) Dr.S.Sridharan has been appointed as the Acting Director General of Health Services following the appointment of former DG Dr.Anil Jasinghe as the new Secretary to the Ministry of Enviornment.
However according to the Government Medical Laboratory Technologists Union Acting DG post is not relevent to the Health Sector at the moment and the vacant DG post should have advertised and then need to select the most suitable candidate for the post according to the due procedure .
Until a suitable candidate is being selected, the medical administrator who is the most senior in the Health Department should have been appointed to cover up the duties of DG Post the union has stated.
However Dr.Sridharan who has been appointed as acting DG was selected by avoiding senior administrators in the Health Department health unions have pointed out .
the Government to Advertise the Post of Director General Of Health Services (DG)and appointed a suitable person for the post without appointing someone to cover the duties of the Post (Acting ).
Health trade unions are demanding this As Deputy Director General of Health Services (Planning ) Dr.S.Sridharan has been appointed as the Acting Director General of Health Services following the appointment of former DG Dr.Anil Jasinghe as the new Secretary to the Ministry of Enviornment.
However according to the Government Medical Laboratory Technologists Union Acting DG post is not relevent to the Health Sector at the moment and the vacant DG post should have advertised and then need to select the most suitable candidate for the post according to the due procedure .
Until a suitable candidate is being selected, the medical administrator who is the most senior in the Health Department should have been appointed to cover up the duties of DG Post the union has stated.
However Dr.Sridharan who has been appointed as acting DG was selected by avoiding senior administrators in the Health Department health unions have pointed out .