Monday, August 24, 2020

STF Personal.Are Being Deployed In Three Colombo Prisons To Provide Security

The Department Of Prisons had
deployed Special Task Force (STF)Personal to provide security for three prisons in Colombo with effect from today (24) according to Commissioner General Of Prisons Thushara Upuldeniya .

Accordingly STF Personal are being deployed at main doors of Welikada ,Magazine and Colombo Remand prisons to prevent transporting banned goods to prisons it has been announced .
STF Personal will supervise the activities of prison Intelligence officers who are checking the prison inmates ,officers and relatives of the prison who are visiting prisons  and the go 
ods they are  carrying  ,infront of main prison doors. 

Australian Prime Minister Scot Morrison's Social Media Post Shows How He Has Cooked A Sri Lankan Curry For His Family

Six Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (24)

Another 06 Corona positives had been
recovered and discharged from hospitals today (24)according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far  had risen to 2811 the unit has stated .

Twelve Corona Positives Had Been Reported During Last 24 Hours

Twelve Corona  positives had been
reported in the country during last 24 hours until 8.30  (24)according to the Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly six Corona Positives Had been reported yesterday  (23) and six were reported today  (24) until 8.30 p.m. the unit has stared.

Out of the six Corona positives reported yesterday there were  two arrivals from United Arab Emirates ,Two arrivals from Malaysia,  an Indian sea Marshal arrived here reentry from Dubai and an arrival From.  Kenya 

Today upto now another two arrivals from United Arab Emirates ,An Indian seaman attached to a Merchant Ship arrived from Egypt and one arrival each from Singapore, Maldives and Indonesia had tested positive for Corona virus according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives reported in the country had risen to 2959.At the moment 136 Corona positives are being treated in Government Hospitals. 

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.