Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Five Corona Positives Reported Today (28)

Five Corona Positives had been reported until 10.45 p.m today  (28) increasing the total number of C
orona positives reported so far to 2810 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly out of the first four Corona positives reported today ,Three were arrivals from United Arab Emirates and one was a contact of a Corona positive identified at Senapura Drug Rehabilitation Center. 

At the moment five hundred three Corona positives and  eighty four suspected cases are being treated at government hospitals .

A Total Number Of 175 Coroma Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (28)-Highest Number Of Positives Discharged On A Single Day

A total of 175 Corona positives had  been discharged from hospitals today (28)after full recovery ,The highest number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals here on a single day since the begining of Corona pandamic according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals after full recovery so far  had risen to 2296  .

The Recovery rate of Corona positives in Sri Lanka now stands at 81.8  percent.

Meanwhile a total number of 154,191 "PCR "Tests had been performed in Sri Lanka so far and 1126 "PCR " Tests had been performed yesterday  (27).

Monday, July 27, 2020

Former Minister Rishad Baduideen Had Given A Five Hour Statement To CID Yesterday (27)

Former Minister Rishad Baduideen had
yesterday (27)appeared before the Criminal Investigations Department  (CID) office at Vavuniya to give a statement regarding the Easter Sunday attacks occurred last year .

CID Officers had recorded a five hour statement from the Former  Minister .

Meamwhile Supreme Court has yesterday decided to take the fundamental rights petition filed by the former Minister Baduideen at the court requesting to prevent his arrest over the Easter Sunday attacks, into consideration on 07th of August. 

Fifteen Coroma Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (27)

Another 15 Corona positives had been
discharged today (27)from hospitals after full recovery according to the Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals so far has been increased to 2121 the unit has stated .

Twenty Three Corona Positives Reported Today (27)

Twenty three Corona postives had been
reported today (27)in the country, Increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 2805 according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly out of the first Twenty Two Corona positives reported today, seventeen were inmates of Senapura Drug Rehabilitation Center and Five were arrivals from Qatar .

The total number of Corona positives are being treated  at Government Hospitals at present is 673 .

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