Authorities had re opened the
Bandaranayaka Road ,Keselwatta -Colombo -12 and Suduwella area in Ja-Ela which had been nsmed aa isolates areas due to tbe spreading of Corona virus according to the Army Commander General Shavendra De Silva .
Bandaranayaka Road ,Keselwatta -Colombo -12 and Suduwella area in Ja-Ela which had been nsmed aa isolates areas due to tbe spreading of Corona virus according to the Army Commander General Shavendra De Silva .
As no Corona positives have been reported in these areas during last few weeks authorities had taken steps to open these areas he has stated .At the moment there are no isolated villages in Sri lanka it has been revealed .
However another group of persons who are residents of Bandaranayake road area and under quarantine in Quarantine Centers are due to be sent home after the quarantine period ended and they are due to be in self isolation after returning their home aa well Army Commsnder has stressed .