Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Group Of 194 Stranded Sri Lankan Students Were Brought Bsck From Lomdon

194 Sri lankans  who were stranded
mainly in London had been brought back to Sri lanka in the wee hours of this morning (06)through a Special Sri Lsnkan Airlines flight .

Accordingly 194 Sri lankans mainly students who were stranded at London amd few Sri lankans stranded in USA and Canada and arrived in London to fly to Sri lanka had been brought back Sri lankan Airlines has announced .

All these passangers were seated inside the flight both Business and Economy classez  according to Social distancing rules and they and their luggages had been disinfected by the Sri lanka airforce after their arrival.

Afterwards they were transported to Quarantine centers for quarantine through special buses .Those who wants to pay and Quarantine at hotels were transported to selected hotels in Colombo suburbs and others to Quarantine centers run by Sri lanka Army .Quarantine process of those transported to Hotels too are being monitored by Sri lanka Army .

Some in the previous batch of Students brought back from London too are being quarantined at present in Hotels by paying Rs.7500 per day for a room .

A Special.Grade Nursing Officer In Paying Ward Of The Colombo Natiomal Hospital Tested Positive For Corona Virus

A Special Grade Nursing officer
attached to a paying ward in Colombo National Hospital had tested positive for  Corona virus yesterday (03)according to Hospital sources .

The female nurse the first nurse in Sri lanka who had tested positive for Corona virus  had been transferred to Infectious Diseases Hospital in Angoda for further treatment .

The way that the nurse had caught
 The vitus has not yet been revealed.

UK Corona Death Toll Passes Italy To Be Highest In Europe


138 Persons Who Had Close Contacts With Few Corona Positives

Army personal had sent 138 persons

who had close contacts with the Corona positives identified today (05)to the quarantine centers for quarantine it has been reported .

Accordingly a group.
of  persons residing in Bandaranayakapura in.Rajagiriya ,Salamulla in Kolonnawa and Kolambissa area in Kandy had bern sent for qurantine  .

By this evening 4883 Persons are being umdergoing quarantine at 39 Quarantine centers supervised by Sri lanka Army it has been revealed .

20 Corona Positives Reported Today (05)-09 Recovered -01 Died

  20 corona virus positives had been
reported in the island during today (05)until 11.30 p.m according to Epidemeology Unit .With these positives the total number of Corona positives reported in the country had risen to 771.

At the moment 549 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals it has been reported .

During today 19 Corona positives had discharged from Hospitals after fully recovered increasing the total number of Corona positives discharged from hospitals to 213.

There was one Corona Death reported today

Health Authorities Isolated the Block Of Flat Where The 09 th Corona Victim Lived

Health Authorities had taken steps to
isolate the "A " block of the Flat scheme in Modara ,Mattakkuliya area (Colombo -15) where the 09 th Corona virus victim who has  died today (05)lived it has been reported .

Authorities have also sent 15 members in the area who had contacted the victim .

The 52 year old deceased has been reported as shown the corona virus symotoms since a month But had  stayed at her house without informing it to the authorities .

However as she had a heart pain two days back she was admitted to Colombo National Hospital and there she had tested positive for corona virus through the "PCR "test .As her condition got worst she had been admitted to the intensive care unit of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Angoda where she has died today.