Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trump's Name To Appear On US Virus Relief Cheques


Four Corona virus Positives Identified Today (15)Are From Quarantine Centers

Four out of the five ccorona positives
who had been identified  today (15) are from Quaranntine centers according to Epidemeology Unit .

The fifth corona virus positve is being treated at  a government hosptal it has been reported .

Seven Villages Of Beruwala Are Being Locked Down To Prevent Spreading Of Corona Virus

Seven villlages in Red Risk Zone of 
Beruwala area are being locked down to prevent the spreading of Corona virus according to the Health Authorities .

11,293 villagers in these villages are being directed to a 14 day self isolation the authorities have stated .Only securuty and health personal can enter  and leave these villages it has been revealed .

These villages are being  locked down after detecting few corona virus positives  amomgst the villagers .

106 Year Old Female Had Been Discharged From Birmingham Hospital After Corona Virus Recovery


Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.