Sunday, April 12, 2020

Navy Had Arrested 52 Prrsons In Ja-Ela Area Who Had Close Contacts With 06 Corona Positives In Ja-Ela

Sri Lanka Navy have yesterday
(11)arrested 52 persons who had close contacts with 06 corona virus positives identified in Ja ela recently and sent them to a Quarantine center for quarantine .

These 52 persons including 41 males ,06 females and 06 children had been arrested by the Navy according to the information provided by intelligence officials .

A corona virus patient had been identified from Ja-Ela area recently and Navy had identified 28 persons who had ckose contacts with that patient .During quarantine at Quarantine center in Oluwil 06 of them were confirmed as corona virus positives through tests .

Afterwards Navy had identified 52 persons who had close contacts with those 06 positives .

Saturday, April 11, 2020

All Schools To Be Re-Opened On 11th Of May

Government has decided to re open all
schools on 11 th of May for the second term not on 20th of April as earlier planned in view of preventing the spreading of corona virus in the society .
Steps are being taken to provide facilities to students to carryout their studies through distance learning system during the long holidays according to the Ministey of Education .

Meanwhile the power to take a
 decision regarding opening of universities after consideting the situation has been given to University authorities through  Ministry of Hhigher Education .

917 New Corona Virus Deaths As Authorities Told Public To Stay At Home


Msximum Control Price For Five Rice Varities

Government has introduced  a control price for  Rice varities ,Keeri Samba ,Red and White Samba and Red and White Kakulu  with effect from yesterday (10).

Accordingly the maximum retail price of  Kilo Gramme of  Keeri Samba should be Rs.125,A kilo gramme of Red and White Ssmba should be Rs.90 and Red and White Kakulu Kilo will be Rs.85  .

The traders who are selling these  Rice varities for  higher prices will  be severely pinished according to the Consumer Afairs Authority .

Coronavirus: US overtakes Italy as country with most deaths

Islandwide Curfew To Be Temporarily Lifted In 20 Districts Except 06 Districts On This Thursday (16)

The island wide curfew currently being imposed will be lifted in 20 districts for 10 hour period except 06 Districts that are identified as high risk zones of spreading corona virus ,on coming Thursday (16) at 6 a.m  The Presidential Media Division has announced this evening (11).

Accordingly the curfew imposed in 20 districts except Colombo ,Gampaha ,Kalutara ,Puttalam ,Kandy and Jaffna Districts will be lifted at 6 a.m on this Thursday and re imposed at 4 p.m on the same day .

Earlier the authorities have decided to lift the curfew on 6 a.m this Tuesday (14)until 4 in the evening .

Curfew imposed in The six districts mentioned above will be continued until further notice it has been announced .

Public is being advised to limit the  purchase of goods to most essential ones after lifting the curfew and avoid travelling to other districts .

Also Government has requested from the public to restrict the folowing of Sinhala /Hindu new year customs among family members only .

Public will be able to putchase goods at home through the Home delivety system intriduced by the Government it has been stated .However many complained that they have not received anything through home delivery system implemented by government and private sector super markets up to now and many goods were delivered to only a certain areas in Colombo where Parliamentaruans and their relatives are being located .

The home delivery system is a total failure they have stated .

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.