Monday, April 6, 2020

Corona Virus Could Wipe out Brazil's Indeginous People


Curfew Had Been Lifted For Eight Hours In 20 Districts -Many People Not Followed Social Distancing Rules

During Curfew lifted hours in 20
Districts since this morning (05) long queues have seen infront of  many shops ,Supermarkets,  and common market places to purchase groceries and in front of Banks to get money ,But Many without practicing social distancing rules it has been reported.

Due to large gatherings seen without adapting social distancing rules to prevent spreading of corona virus especially near common market places Tambuttegama Economic Center had been closed down  according to sources  .

Only few percent of the curfew lifted 20 Districts had followed health  meassures  to prevent spreading of corona virus it has been revealed .

The curfew lifted at 6 a.m. this morning in many Districts had been re imposed at 2 p.m.until further notice. However in some areas large queues had seen infront of super markets to purchase goods even after re imposingthe curfew .

Police security has tightened in curfew lifted areas since this morning to assist the  public. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Hotline Number 1390 Had Been Introduced For Those Have Corona Virus Symptoms To Get Advise Before Admitting To A Hospital

Director General Of Health Services Dr.Anil Jasinghe has requested  the public yesterday  (05)to call 1390 hotline if someone has corona virus symptoms like cold ,cough and breathing difficulties to get advise from a doctor before going to a hospital in view of preventing the spreading of Corona virus in the country .

The hotline had been  established to provide advise for the persons with Corona Virus Symptoms 24 hours daily  in Sinhala ,Tamil and English languages and if the doctor feels the patient is a corona virus suspect according to the details provided by the caller they will arrange a 1990 "Suwa sariya "ambulance service to transport the patient to a hospital.

This hotline has been introduced as lots of Corona virus suspected patients acted irresponsibly when admitting to a hospital by exposing themselves to has been announced. 

Tiger At US Zoo Tested Positive For Corona Virus

259 Corona Virus Suspected Cases are being Treated At 30 Government Hospitals

According to the latest Report  issued on spreading  of Corona virus in the country by the Epidemeology Unit 259 corona virus suspected cases  (257 locals ,02 Foreigners ) are being treated  at 30 Government Hospitals by last evening (05) .

Majority of these suspected cases which is 68 are being treated at Homagama Base Hospital. 

Tenth Corona Positive Case Reported Today (05)-Total Number Of Positives Increased To 176

The 10 th Corona Virus positive identified today  (05) had been reported short while ago increasing the total number of Corona virus positives identified from the country to 176 according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Now 138 Corona virus positives are being treated at 03 Government Hospitals  .