Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Ten More Corona Virus Positives Identified -A Total Number Of 20 Identifued Today (31)

Twenty Corona virus positives had
been identified within today  (31) until  7.30 p.m increasing the  total number of Corona virus positive cases in the country to 142 according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Out of the twenty corona virus positives identified today ten Were identified during this evening and other ten patients shortwhile ago .

This is the highest  number of Corona positives identified in Sri Lanka on a single day since the first Sri lankan corona virus positive has been reported on 10 th of March it has been revealed.

Meanwhile 123 corona virus positives are being received Hospital treatment at present under medical supervision according to Hospital sources.   

Poruthota Village Where The Second Corona Victim Resided Had Been Locked Down -No Family Members Of The Deceased Participated The Cremation

The poruthota village at Negambo
where the second Corona virus positive who died yesterday  (30)resided ,
has been locked down today  (31)by the Health Authorities according to the Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors Union .

Around 16 family members of the  deceased are being quarantined in their home and a group of doctors and nurses who had treated the patient at Negambo District Base Hospital also currently being quarantined the union has stressed .

The Hospital ward  at the Negsmbo Hispital where the deceased had been reared had sealed by the authorities.

Meanwhile the funeral of the Second Corona virus victim was held last night at Mayyokkahena Cemetery in Negambo with the participation of Health workers and Police. Under the internarional quarantine rules two members  of the family of the Corona virus patient can participate the cremation ,But non of the relatives had participated it according to reports.  

Ten New Corona Virus Patients Have Been Identified Today -Another 03 Positives Discharged After ;Being Recovered

Ten New Corona Virus positives had
been reported from Sri Lanka today (31) increasing the total number of Corona virus positives  reported from Sri Lanka at 4.20 p.m today  to 132 according to the Epidemeology Unit  .

Also another 03 corona virus positives treated at Government Hospitals had been discharged today after being fully recovered. Up to now 17 corona virus positives had been discharged from Hospitals after fully recovered .

There were 02 Corona deaths reported from the country. 

There are 113 Corona virus positives being treated at two government Hospitals by noon today and 173 corona virus suspected cases are being currently treated at 25 government Hospitals including IDH Hospital Angoda. Most number of suspects which is 49 are being treated at Homagama BASE Hospital according to the EpidemeologIst.

Coronavirus: Three out of four Americans under some form of lockdown

Monday, March 30, 2020

Government To Lift The Curfew Imposed In Island wide For Six Hours Tomorrow Except In Six Districts

Government has yesterday  (30)
decided to continue the island wide curfew imposed in six districts namely  Colombo ,Gampaha, Kalutara ,Jaffna, Puttalam and Kandy until further notice and to  lift the curfew imposed in other districts for eight hours tomorrow (01).

Accordingly except those siX districts curfew in other districts will be lifted at 6 a.m.tomorrow morning and re impose  at 2 p.m in the same evening .

People in curfew lifted areas are being advised to follow the  guidelines issued by the government to prevent the spreading of corona virus .Stern action will be taken against those who are violating these guidelines according to the President's Media Division. 

Five Members Of A Same Family Including An Infant Among Those Identified As Corona Virus Positives

Five members of a same family in
Chilaw including a 04 month old infant are among those infected with Coronavirus recently according to the Health Ministry.

All  family members got infected with the virus due to a corona virus positive identified from Chilaw area the Ministey has stated .Due to this person who had arrived from abroad his whole family got infected Ministry has further added .

Due to this Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi had appealed from those who had arrived from abroad after 10 th of March to undergo a self quarantine  process  to avoid spreading corona virus in the country.