Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Eleven Indian Nationals Had Been Arrested Whilst Working At A Gold Shop

Immigration and Emigration
Department and Intelligance unit officials had today (04)arrested 11 Indian Nationals who are staying in Sri Lanka illegally with expired visas at Kaththankudy in Batticaloa District .

The suspects who are of the ages 23-45 had been worked in Gold Making shops in Kaththankudy at the time of their arrest it has been revealed .

The suspects had arrived in Sri Lanka with Tourist visas and their visas had expired recently it had been reported .They were later sent to the Mirihana Detention centre for further investigations .

Real Aritude

World Bank Pledges 12 Billion US Dollars Aid Package For Developing Countries To Combat Corona Virus

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Brazil Hit By Deadly Rain And Landslides


Drink Plenty Of Water For Every 15-20 Minutes Daily To Avoid Many Health Issues -Doctors Say

Due to the Hot temperatures prevailing
in many areas of the country as a result of Dry weather there's a risk of occurring  many health issues including Heat stroke, dehydration and muscle cramps according to Local health experts .

Due to this situation Drink plenty of water for every 15-20 minutes daily even there's no thirst to keep the body refresh Consultant community physician Dr.Inoka Samaraweera has stated during a special media briefing held at the Health Promotions Bureau in Colombo .

Avoid taking too much of hot  and sugary  drinks and drink plenty of water instead she has stressed. 

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