Former Minister Patali Champika Ranawake who had been arrested by the Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) officers last night (18) at his residence had been remanded by the Colombo Chief Magistrate this morning (19) until 24 th of December after being produced him before the Magistrate Court.
Former Minister Ranawake who was one of the key figures in former Good Governance government that criticized current Premier Rajapakshe and his brother who is the president of Sri Lanka over involving in corrupt activities ,had been arrested and remanded until this morning by the Colombo Additional Magistrate last night over producing false facts regarding an accident occurred in Rajagiriya three years ago
Former Minister Ranwake's lawyers had submitted a Bail application behalf of their client ,However it was rejected by the Magistrate it has been revealed.
The case regarding the accident occurred in Rajagiriya three years back had concluded according to the opposition sources .
Former Minister Ranawake who was one of the key figures in former Good Governance government that criticized current Premier Rajapakshe and his brother who is the president of Sri Lanka over involving in corrupt activities ,had been arrested and remanded until this morning by the Colombo Additional Magistrate last night over producing false facts regarding an accident occurred in Rajagiriya three years ago
Former Minister Ranwake's lawyers had submitted a Bail application behalf of their client ,However it was rejected by the Magistrate it has been revealed.
The case regarding the accident occurred in Rajagiriya three years back had concluded according to the opposition sources .