Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Two Persons Arrested With 99 Gold Whilst Tran porting

Officers attached to Police Anti Narcotic Bureau have  arrested a civil Engineer and a Airport
Image result for sri lanka airport
 Duty free shopping complex employee whilst attempting to smuggle 99 Gold Biscuits hidden inside a Box containing a Fan out of the Airport today (11).

The Fan Box containing 99  Gold Biscuits had been handed over to the Civil Engineer who had arrived in from Australia by a Duty free shop employee to hand over a person at the Arrival Lounge of the Airport .

The Airport Duty free shop Employee had requested the Engineer to handover the Fan box to a person at Arrival lounge and whilst carrying it he was arrested by Police Anti Narcotic Bureau officials.

The estimated value of the  stock of Gold Biscuit recovered whilst hidden inside a fan box is around Rs.60 million it has been revealed ,The Civil Engineer is a resident of Kurunagala District and arrived in from Australia it has been reported.

Both suspects had been handed over to the Airport customs officers along with the stock of Gold biscuits for further investigations .


Tuesday, December 10, 2019




Government Has Introduced A New Salary Structure For State Institution Heads

Government has decided to introduce a
new salary structure for heads of the state institutions  in view of  slashing  the higher salaries received by them at present .

Salaries of the heads of state institutions had been reduced already as they have received more than required according to the government sources .For an example monthly salary received by Telecom chairman had been reduced to Rs.250,000 according to government sources.

A committe has been appointed already to select heads of the state institutions  based on skills and qualifications sources have stressed.

Four Persons Arrested With 10 KG Of Gold In Possession

Kalpitiya Police have today (10)arrested
four persons including three Sinhalese and a Muslim national with 10 Kilo Grammes of Gold illegally in their possession at Kudawa,Kalpitiya sea coastal area

The suspects who are residents of Kudawa,Kalpitiya,Pudukudiirippu and Kurinnangpitiya areas had prepared to transport the stock of Gold to India in a Fisheries boat via sea route at the time of the raid .

The value of the stock of Gold has not yet been estimated according to police .

The four suspects are scheduled to be produced before the courts tomorrow(12).

Swiss Embassy Visa Officer Had Given A Statement For The Third Day Today (10) Before CID Regarding Her Complaint Over Abduction

The Female Visa officer attached to the
Switzerland Embassy in Colombo alleged as abducted by a group of persons Garnia Bannister Francis had today(10) given a statement regarding her abduction before the Criminal Investigstions Department (CID)headquarters in Colombo Fort 8for the third consecutive day  it has been reported .

The female Swiss Embassy officer had arrived in CID Headquarrters at Colombo fort this morning (10) and after giving a four hour statement she had been taken to the Colombo Judicial Medical Officer (JMO),for a medical checkup and again brought back to CID .
Afterwads she had left the CID after giving the  statement this evening   .

Swiss embassy visa officer had given a statement to the CID Regarding her complaint on abduction and harrasment against her  by a group of five unidentified persons arrived in  a White Motor car on 25 th of November.


Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast