Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Wild Elephant Was Collided With A Police Jeep -Angry Elephant Attacked The Jeep

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A Police Jeep carrying   three police officers attached to Kahatagasdigiliya Police was severely damaged  after it colliding with a Wild Elephant at Namalwewa area in Mihinthale whilst on the way to duty work  of a public  rally of the Presidential Candidate Sajith Premadasa in Madawachchiya in wee hours of this morning (30)

The Wild Elephant had suddenly crossed the road and collided with the Jeep and the angry Elephant had attacked the Jeep it has been revealed .

No one was hurt due to the incident .Two female Police Officers and a Male Police Officer were travelling in the Jeep at the time of the incident .

Residents of the area have later chased away the Elephant to the Jungle .

Chile cancels climate and Apec summits amid mass protests


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Southern Province Governor Ordered To Close All Schools In Hambanthota And Mulatiyana Tomorrow(31)As Well

Southern Province Governor Hemal
Gunasekare has today (30)ordered the Provincial Authorities to close down all schools in Hambanthota District and Mulatiyana Education Zone in Matara District tomorrow (31)as well due to the landslide and flood threats  occureed as a result of heavy showers .

Southern Province Governor has made this order after completing an inspection tour in dissaster hit areas of Hambanthota and Mulatuyana today (30).

All schools in Hambanthota District and Mulatiyana  Education zone had been closed today (30)according to the order of Southern Province governor .

Many roads in Hambanthota District and Mulatiyana are still under water as heavy showers prevailing in .

Nilwala River Is Overflowing

Transport activities   of  many villages in Matara District have been   paralysed  as the   Akuressa -Pitabaddara road is being submerged from panadugama area due to the overflowing of Nilwala River .

Transport   activities  in many villages from Akuresssa to areas including  rotumba ,pasgoda and panakaduwa areas  had disrupted as a result  it has been reported .

The river is overflowing and passed  it's spill level of 5.8 meters and the water level has  reached 6.04 meters by  this morning aa a result of heavy showers prevailing there  since last week.

A 38 Year Old Person Had Sentenced To Death Over Keeping 9.06 Grammes Of Heroin In Possession

Colombo High Court Judge Gihan
Kulatunge had today (30)sentenced a 38 year old person to death over keeping 9.06 Grammes of Heroin in possession and smuggling them.

The accused who had found guilty over the charges was arrested by the Colombo Crimes Division on 17 th of May 2017 at Rajagiriya with 9.06 Grammes of Heroin in possession .

The accussed is a resident of Bandaranayakapura area in Rajagiriya and Attorney General had filed indictments against him in court .

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

UNP Has Suspended The Party Membership Of State Minister Wasantha Sensnayake

Governing United National Party(UNP)
has suspended the party membership of State Minister MP Wasantha Senanayake with immediatte effect according to UNP General Secretary Akila Viraj Kariyawasam .

The State Minister portfolio of MP Wasantha Senanayake is also due to be removed from him shortly it has been announced .

The undue  behaviour of State Minister  Senanayake shown  in the past and present by changing parties and betraying party policies caused this action it has been reported .