Thursday, October 10, 2019


"ගතින් සිතින් ලංවන අවංක මිත්‍රත්වයකට සිතින් පමණක් ලං වීමට සිතන සබඳතාවයකට වඩා බොහෝ දුර යා හැකිය "

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A Person Was Arrested With 08 Stolen Motorcycles

Badulla Police have arrested a person
involved in.reparing Motorcycles along with 08 Motorcycles he had stolen from others at Sumanathissa village in Badulla yesterday (10).

Police have recovered parts of an Assembled Motorcycles made by the suspect by using the parts of stolen Motorcycles during the raid .

The suspect had  parricipated Motorcycle races in the past and had a good relationship with some higher officials as a result according to the police .

UNP MP Shantha Abeysekara Had Been Remanded Over Violating Bail.Conditions

A parliamentarian attached to
governing United National Party (UNP)Abeysekare Shsntha Sisira Kumara had been remanded until 17th of October by the Chilaw High Court yesterday (10) over violating bail conditions of a case filed against him .

The UNP MP.was remanded over violation of a case filed against him at the Chilaw High court over possesing a firearm at an  illegal meeting held in chilaw  in 2004 .He was remanded over posssesing a firearm at the meeting and bailout on 31st of March 2011.

"සැබෑ මිතුරෝ කිසි දිනෙක දැන දැන වැරදි නොකරති -එකිනෙකාට ලෙන්ගතුව සිටිමින් ආදරය හා කරුණාව පැතිරවීමට මුල් වේ -කිසි දින වැරදි පාර්ශවයේ හෝ දේශපාලනයේ වහලුන් වන්නේද නැත "

Image result for lion friends

Obesity: Ban snacking on public transport, top doctor says