Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Person Was Killed Due To A Vehicle Collision

 A Person was killed and two others had been injured and hospitalized due to a Vehicle collision among a Van and Two  Lorries   at A-9 Road in Jaffna-Kandy  route  in Elephantpass ,Kilinocxhchoi
The Van driver was killed and a Passenger inside the Van and a Lorry driver had been injured and hospitalized  due to the incident .

French police hold ‘anger march’ over suicides and working conditions

"අවංක මිතුරන්ගේ සිත් සැබැවින්ම උණුවන සුළුය -ඔවුන් සිය මිත්‍රත්වයේ ගිලිහුණු තැන් ගොඩ නැගීමට දෙවරක් නොසිතයි "

Image result for LION HUMAN HUG

Nine Passengers Had Been Injured Due To A Road Accident

Image result for road accidentNine Passengers had been injured and hospitalized after the Private Bus they were travelling in veering off the road due to the high speed at Mankadawala area in Kekirawa today (02).

The injured were admitted to Dambula Base and Kekirawa District Hospitals for treatment .

The Private Bus had faced this incident whilst on the way from Gampaha to Horowpathana area to attend a funeral .

A Kerala Cannabis Parcel Had Been Recovered Near A Road In Jaffna

Image result for kerala cannabisNavy Personal along with Special Police Task Force Personal (STF) have recovered a parcel containing 3.900 Kilo Grammes of Kerala Cannabis left near a road in Mahalkadu ,in Jaffna yesterday (01) during a joint search operation carried out in the area .

Due to the search operation a group of suspects believes to be left the Kerala Cannabis parcel near the road .An investigation is on regarding the incident .

Family of Indian royals wins £35m court battle against Pakistan