Palai Police have recovered a stock of Arms and ammunition hidden at Karandiya area in Police division including a A-47 firearm and 11 hand grenades accordance to the information provided by the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) attached to Palai Hospital Sinnaiah Ruban who is in police custody .
Among the Arms and ammunition recovered were two magazines ,120 cartridges ,10 Kilo Grammes of PE-10 Explosives and a Telescope it has been revealed .
The suspect is under the custody of Terrorist Investigations Division (TID) and being questioned over terrorist activities .He was arrested by TID officers recently over supporting terrorism .
Among the Arms and ammunition recovered were two magazines ,120 cartridges ,10 Kilo Grammes of PE-10 Explosives and a Telescope it has been revealed .
The suspect is under the custody of Terrorist Investigations Division (TID) and being questioned over terrorist activities .He was arrested by TID officers recently over supporting terrorism .