Criminal Investigations Department (CID) had taken steps to suspend the Rs.1130 million worth assets and cash owned by the Bombers attached to National Thowheed Jamaath which carried out the Easter Sunday Attacks including it's leader Mohommad Zahran Hasim according to CID.
CID had suspended the assets and cash owned by Easter Sunday Bombers after receiving a Court Order regarding that CID Director SP Shani Abeysekare .Among the Assets that have been suspended were Rs.130 million worth cash and Bank accounts as well as Rs.1000 million worth assets including vehicles ,Land ,Gold Jewelry and Factories he has stressed .
CID had suspended the assets and cash owned by Easter Sunday Bombers after receiving a Court Order regarding that CID Director SP Shani Abeysekare .Among the Assets that have been suspended were Rs.130 million worth cash and Bank accounts as well as Rs.1000 million worth assets including vehicles ,Land ,Gold Jewelry and Factories he has stressed .