Sunday, July 21, 2019

අ"කලංක නිර්මල වූ ආදරය පවතිනුයේ එකිනෙකා හමු වී දොඩමලු වන තැනය -නිහඬබව බිඳිමින් බැඳීම සුරකින තැනය -එසේ නොවී සැබෑ අනන්‍යතාවය සැඟවීම නොකළ යුත්තකි "

lion hiuman friends සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Parliamentary Select Committee Probing Easter Sunday Attacks To Handed Over It's Final Report On 29th Of August

sri lanka parliament සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලThe Parliamentary Select Committee probing Easter Sunday Attacks is scheduled to be handed over it's final report of the findings on 29th of August it has been announced. 

The next sitting of the Committee  is scheduled  to be held on this Wednesday (24) at the Parliamentary Complex and State Intelligence Unit head Senior DIG Nilantha Jayawardane .The head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Senior DIG Ravi Seneviratne ,Director of CID senior Superintendent of Police Shani Abeysekare ,Director of Terrorism Investigations Division Senior SP Waruna Jayasundara and Police Inspector of that division Tharanag Pathirana are due to give evidence before the commission that day .

Meanwhile Colombo Archbishop Cardinal Ranjith Malcolm has today severely criticized the country's rulers saying although local and foreign intelligence services had informed on the Easter Sunday attacks to the government leaders they have done nothing to prevent it .This happened due to the war erupted between Parliament and President .As a result security council has not convened he has stressed.

Cardinal has made these remarks during the mass held at Katuwapitioya Church which was destroyed due to the Easter sunday attacks .

Postal Trade Unions Have Launched A 24 Hour Sick Not Campaign

postal work sri lanka සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Postal Trade Unions have launched a 24 hour  island widesick not campaign from midnight tonight (21) until midnight tomorrow (22) demanding solutions for their longstanding demands despite the appeals made by Minister Of Postal Affairs A .H.M Haleem from trade unions to reconsider the trade union action decision .

Joint Postal Unions Front has announced that it will take steps to launch an island wide continuous strike if  the government fails to  give  permanent  solutions for their demands 

Postal Unions have launched the trade union action by demanding solutions for service demands based on recruitment premonitions and salary issues of Postal workers.




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Image may contain: bird and text
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and text

A Group Of 30 Sri Lankan Females Worked In Kuwait Returned The Country After Facing Harrasment

Around 30 Sri Lankan House Maids

employed in Kuwait and faced various kinds of harassment had returned to the country this morning  (21).

Majority of these females had employed in various companies by staying in a hostel it has been revealed. Once an organized Gang had smuggled then and looted their money and goods according to reports .

After keeping them in a place they have left then in a road and Police have taken them into custody and sent them to a detention center. The group of Females had returned to the country with the courtesy of Sri Lankan Embassy in Kuwait .