Saturday, June 22, 2019

Another 15 Hour Water Cut Now On In Several Municipal And Urban Council Areas -Public faces Inconveniences

National Water Supplies And Drainage
Board had implamented a  15 hour water cut in Eight Local government Council areas and Ratmalana and Soyza pura flats from 9 a.m today (22)by putting people in great difficulties especially in slum areas what seems to be another kind  of Terrorism.

Accordingly The 15 hour water cut is being implamented  in Colombo ,Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia ,Kotte and Kaduwela Municipal Council areas ,Maharagama ,Boralesgamuwa and Kolonnawa Urban Council areas,  Kotikawatta-Mulleriyawa  Pradeshiya Sabha area and Ratmalana ,Soyza pura flats until 12 in the midnight today it has been announced .

The reason behind the water cut is a power cut implemented at the water purification plant of the water board and a repair work of a water pump according to Board.

The question arises is Why the Water board people implementing long hour water cuts during weekends as there are plenty of time for them to implement them during nights in weekdays  after people going to sleep and to implement cuts few hours a day without putting people in difficult position .

Water is an essential thing and one of the Basic needs of Human beings  .Even animals cannot survive without water the thing inhumans cannot understand .

Friday, June 21, 2019


do not cheat a friend සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

"සඳ පිවිතුරු ප්‍රේමයේ /මිත්‍රත්වයේ උතුම් වූ සංකේතයක් ලෙස විශ්වාස කරන විශ්වසනීය ප්‍රේමය හා මිත්‍රත්වය කිසි විටක එකිනෙකාගෙන් නොසැගවෙනු ඇත. -සදාකල් එකට සිටිනු ඇත "

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CID Had Questioned North Western Province DIG On Dr/Safi

Image result for cid sri lankaRobberies Investigations Unit of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) has today (21) recorded a statement from the Deputy Inspector General Of Police (DIG) in charge of North Western Province Wasantha Kithsiri Jayalath for more than eight hours over the investigations carried out by DIG regarding the assets of Dr.Mohommad Seigu Siyabdeen Safi who has been arrested and handed over to CID regarding failure to declare how he had earned the assets .

CID has also questioned the DIG over a report published on Dr.Safi  regarding an illegal sterilization .He is also due to be questioned in future as well if a need arise according to CID.


Relationships will be destroyed when ego overcomes harmony .

Health Minister To Sue GMOA Claiming Rs.One Billion Whilst GMOA Had Complained Agianst Minister To WHO

Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senarthne
has decided to file a legal action against Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) claiming billion  from the Association over defaming him by providing false information  to the Media.Health Minister has also decided to sue Media outlets which published or broadcast false information provided by GMOA of him .

Meanwhile GMOA has today (21) handed over a compalin to the World Health Organization (WHO) Office in Colombo against the Health Minister stating he is misusing the vice presidnt post of WHO Executive committee received by him to boost projects on his image .GMOA has also  made accusations against  Helath Minister from the letter  for supplying low quality drugs and maintaing Nevile Fenando Hospital through givernment funds.