Although no medical test has been
carried out to prove the allegations levelled against Dr.Mohommad Siyabdeen Safi who is under the custody of Criminal Investigations Department (CID) around 105 mothers had been complained against the doctor over illegal sterilisation to Kurunagala Teaching /Dambulla Hospitals ,and Dambulla, Sigiriya and Galewela Police stations yesterday (30)bringing the total number of complaints received against the doctor so far to little more than 300.
Around 97 mothers had been complained against Dr. Safi to the Kurunagala Teaching hospital yesterday whilst 08 mothers complained to the Dambulla Hospital.
Meanwhile Health Ministry Secretary Wasantha Perera has stated yesterday that the six member investigations board appointed to probe on the allegations against Dr..safi not able to carry out their investigations due to influence of some sections of the Kurunagala Hospital.Some officers of the hospital had removed their evidences given to the board it has been revealed .
However the Investigations Board is due to handover the interim report of the investigations to the Health Secrerary shortly .
carried out to prove the allegations levelled against Dr.Mohommad Siyabdeen Safi who is under the custody of Criminal Investigations Department (CID) around 105 mothers had been complained against the doctor over illegal sterilisation to Kurunagala Teaching /Dambulla Hospitals ,and Dambulla, Sigiriya and Galewela Police stations yesterday (30)bringing the total number of complaints received against the doctor so far to little more than 300.
Around 97 mothers had been complained against Dr. Safi to the Kurunagala Teaching hospital yesterday whilst 08 mothers complained to the Dambulla Hospital.
Meanwhile Health Ministry Secretary Wasantha Perera has stated yesterday that the six member investigations board appointed to probe on the allegations against Dr..safi not able to carry out their investigations due to influence of some sections of the Kurunagala Hospital.Some officers of the hospital had removed their evidences given to the board it has been revealed .
However the Investigations Board is due to handover the interim report of the investigations to the Health Secrerary shortly .