Wellampitiya Police OIC Chief Inspector Gamini Hewawithana has made a complaint to Judicial Services Commission demanding a fair investigation in to allegations levelled against him over supporting 09 suspects attached to Copper Factory in Wellampitiya who were charged over supporting extremism to get bail from the court.
Police have nothing to do with the release of 09 suspects on bail and Magistrate Priyantha Liyanage of Court number 02 had ordered to release the suspects without considering written and verbal requests made by Wellampitiya Police opposing the granting of bail to the suspects Police OIC has stated in his complaint .
As a result Police Headquarters is currently being conducted an investigation against three Police officers attached to Wellampiriya Police OIC Have stated.
Police have nothing to do with the release of 09 suspects on bail and Magistrate Priyantha Liyanage of Court number 02 had ordered to release the suspects without considering written and verbal requests made by Wellampitiya Police opposing the granting of bail to the suspects Police OIC has stated in his complaint .
As a result Police Headquarters is currently being conducted an investigation against three Police officers attached to Wellampiriya Police OIC Have stated.