All Budget expenditure heads including
President's Expenditure head had been passed unanimously without a vote at parliament yesterday(13)during the third reading of the budget.
Accordingly 22 Budget expenditure heads including President's expenditure head and expenditure heads of Prime Minister's office,Cabinet offices ,Supreme Court judges and Independent Commissions had been passed without a vote.
Earlier Bsckbench United National Party MP's had threatened that the President's expenditure head will be defeated in a vote.However prime minister Ranil Wikramasimghe had requested MP's not to defeat the President's expenditure Head.
President's Expenditure head had been passed unanimously without a vote at parliament yesterday(13)during the third reading of the budget.
Accordingly 22 Budget expenditure heads including President's expenditure head and expenditure heads of Prime Minister's office,Cabinet offices ,Supreme Court judges and Independent Commissions had been passed without a vote.
Earlier Bsckbench United National Party MP's had threatened that the President's expenditure head will be defeated in a vote.However prime minister Ranil Wikramasimghe had requested MP's not to defeat the President's expenditure Head.