Police officers attached to Law Enforcement Unit of the Mathugama Police Division have arrested two persons with 13 firearms and 1500 live bullets in possession illegally at a house in Paththekade ,Beruwala and BaduraLiya area.
The two suspects had been arrested at BaduraLiya area whilst transporting a firearm and few bullets in a Motor Car and later when the officers raided the house of a one suspect at Beruwala who is a Gem businessman the remained firearms and bullets have been recovered .
Among the fire arms taken in to custody there were automatic firearms manufactured in Pakistan and Firearms use to provide security to VIP's it has been revealed .
The two suspects had been arrested at BaduraLiya area whilst transporting a firearm and few bullets in a Motor Car and later when the officers raided the house of a one suspect at Beruwala who is a Gem businessman the remained firearms and bullets have been recovered .
Among the fire arms taken in to custody there were automatic firearms manufactured in Pakistan and Firearms use to provide security to VIP's it has been revealed .