During a meeting held between local Soft drinks and Biscuit manufacturers and appointed Premier Rajapakshe yesterday (30)at Prime Minister's office Premier Rajapakshe has instructed the Finance Ministry to reduce the Sugar Tax of 50 cents imposed on per 1 Gramme of Sugar contains in Soft drinks to 30 cents .
Soft Drink Manufacturers are due to reduce the prices of their soft drinks as a result of the concession they have received from the new Premier they have stated during the meeting it has been reported .
Premier Rajapaksha has also instructed the Finance Ministry to remove the Sugar tax imposed on Carbonated Drinks upto 6 Grammes of Sugar and for Fruit drinks upto 9 Grammes.
There will be no Sugar tax imposed on sweet products including Biscuits under the appointed government Premier Rajapakshe has assured the Local sweet manufacturers when they told him regarding such a plan recently.
All these decisions had been taken according to advice of National Economic Council the Finance Ministry has stated.