Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake and Web Journalists National Movement had complained to the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Department (FCID)on the news item appeared in "New York Times " news paper over the Utilizing of US Dollars 7.6 million provided by a bank account of China Harbor company to the election campaign of former President Mahinda Rajapakshe in 2015.
Addressing a media briefing held yesterday (29) in Colombo Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake had stated that the CID had provided the information regarding the money deal between Former President Rajapakshe and China Company to the paper .
CID had provided a "B" Report to the paper on the incident he has stressed.
Meanwhile Chinese government has yesterday denied the New York Times report on the Deal.
Addressing a media briefing held yesterday (29) in Colombo Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake had stated that the CID had provided the information regarding the money deal between Former President Rajapakshe and China Company to the paper .
CID had provided a "B" Report to the paper on the incident he has stressed.
Meanwhile Chinese government has yesterday denied the New York Times report on the Deal.