Kilinochchi Police have arrested two persons over the brutal killing of a rare species of Leopard few days ago at Ambalkulam area ,last night(23) and this morning(24) it has been reported.
Both the suspects who are of the ages 39 and 42 years old residing in Udayanagar and Ambalkulam areas have been remanded until 29 th of June after being produced before the Kilinochchi Magistrate Court this morning.
Police have arrested a 42 year old who had involved in the incident at Ambalkulam area last night and a 39 year old udayanagar resident was surrendered to the police this morning.
Kilinochchi Magistrate Court has ordered the Police to arrest rest of the suspects who had involved in the killing of a Leopard.
Both the suspects who are of the ages 39 and 42 years old residing in Udayanagar and Ambalkulam areas have been remanded until 29 th of June after being produced before the Kilinochchi Magistrate Court this morning.
Police have arrested a 42 year old who had involved in the incident at Ambalkulam area last night and a 39 year old udayanagar resident was surrendered to the police this morning.
Kilinochchi Magistrate Court has ordered the Police to arrest rest of the suspects who had involved in the killing of a Leopard.