Friday, June 22, 2018

An Immigration Emigration Officer Was Arrested With 60 Gold Biscuits

Airport Customs officers have arrested  a 50 year old senior Immigration -Emigration officer with 60 Gold Biscuits in his  possession at the departure lounge in Katunayake Bandaranaike International Airport last night(22).

The stock of Gold Biscuits taken into custody in the possession of the suspect which concealed in his trouser pocketes weighing 06 Kilo grammes and worth around Rs.30.6 million it has been revealed.

The Customs officers who are investigating over the incident suspecting a person arrived in from a foreign country might have handed over the stock of Gold Biscuits to the officer.

A Female Has Died Due To A WASP Attack

A 58 year old female has died due to a Wasp attack in Diyathalawa area last evening(22) according to the Diyathalawa Police.

The critically injured female had succumbed to her injuries after admission to Diyathalawa Base Hospital it has bedn reported.

The victim who was s resident of Galedanda area in Diyathalswa had faced this incident while returning home from the Paddy Field ,near her house it has been revealed.

A Bolivian National Was Arrested With A Stock Of Cocaine

Police Anti Narcotic Bureau officials have arrested a 34 year old  Bolivian national while attempting to smuggle 11.300 Kilo  Grammes of Cocaine narcotic illegally to the Country at the Katunayake Bandaranaike International Airport.sosanitha dhcdku

The suspect was arrived at the Airport from.Dubai and the Negambo
Magistrate Court has today(22) gave permission to the Police Natcoric Beureau to hold  the suspect and question him for seven days over the incident.

The suspect had brought the  Cocaine  to the country by secretly  spraying it  to a cloth  in his luggage through a has been revealed .



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A Person Was Arrested With Explosives At Weeraketiya

A 25 year old person was arrested by the Police with a firearm made in a foreign country,Three ammunition's and other explosives in possession at Mulkirigala in Weeraketiya area yesterday (21).
The suspect who is a resident in Mulkirigala area is due to be produced before the Walasmulla Magistrate Court.

A 31 Year Old Person Was Shot And Killed At Narigama

Two  unidentified Gunmen arrived in by  a Motorcycle  had shot and killed a 31 year old formerly attached to a Gajaba Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army near a Hotel at Narigama in Hikkaduwa  this morning (22).

The critically injured person had succumbed to his injuries on admission to Arachcikattuwa Hospital it has been revealed.

The gunmen  had fled away from the area after the shooting according to the Hikkaduwa Police.

The deceased had been identified as a person who had three murder charges under his name and possessed two firearms at the time of the shooting.

Hikkaduwa Police are investigating over the incident.