Ward Place in Town Hall area has been blocked this noon (17) due to a large number of depositors who had deposited their money in ETI Finance Limited owned by Edirisinghe Group of Companies have staged a protest campaign in front of the Finance Limited office in Watd Place demanding their deposit money.
The Depositors who have not received interests for their deposits from long time had blocked the Ward Place and protested demanding their deposits back and to remove the four directors of the Finance Limited .
The depositors have protested in front of the ETI Finance Limited in an earlier occasions as well ,However the owners of ETI had avoided meeting them it has been reported.
Due to the protest a traffic had been reported in the area this noon.
The Depositors who have not received interests for their deposits from long time had blocked the Ward Place and protested demanding their deposits back and to remove the four directors of the Finance Limited .
The depositors have protested in front of the ETI Finance Limited in an earlier occasions as well ,However the owners of ETI had avoided meeting them it has been reported.
Due to the protest a traffic had been reported in the area this noon.