Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sixteen SLFP MP's Who Had Resigned From The Government Had Crossed Over To The Opposition

Image result for sri lanka parliamentThe 16 Sri Lanka Freedom Party(SLFP) Member MP's who held Ministerial ,Deputy Ministerial and State Ministerial posts in the current national government and later resigned from it after voting in favor of the No confidence motion presented against Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe ,had crossed over  to the opposition of the Parliament today(08) and seated in Opposition Benches .

The 16 SLFP MP's had crossed over to the Opposition from government bench amidst booing of the United National Party (UNP) MP's this morning when the Parliament met for the first time  after the Sinhalese and Hindu New Year .However the Opposition had welcomed the rebel MP's .

The second session of the eighth Parliament was ceremonially inaugurated today under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena.

A Hotel Worker Arrested Over Attempting To Molest Two Foreign Females

Image result for arrestedPolice have arrested a hotel worker who had attempted to sexually assault two American Females in a Tourist Hotel at Uppuweli in Trincomalee yesterday (07) while they were preparing  to take their Lunch at the hotel.

The two females who are members of the World's largest floating Hospital Ship "Mercy" which arrived in Trincomalee  Barbour  for a goodwill mission had arrived in the Hotel to take their lunch at the time of the incident.

Police Fired Water Cannons To Disperse A Protest March Of An Unemployed Graduates Union

Image result for protest march graphics
Police have fired water canons  to disperse a protest march conducted by the unemployed Graduates this noon(08) by demanding job opportunities in Government for all the unemployed graduates in the country near the Lotus Roundabout in Colombo.

More than 100 Unemployed Graduates have have attended the protest march and even after firing water cannons towards them protestors have seen remained near the Lotus Roundabout it has been reported.

The protest was organized by the Joint Unemployed Graduates Union and it was held after conducting a protest campaign demanding solution for the same demand in front of Colombo Fort Railway Station.

Due to the Protest March ,Police have closed the Lotus Road and the Galle Face Entry road for traffic.As a result heavy traffic had been prevailed in the area for hours.


Train Drivers To Launch A Strike From Midnight Tonight

Related imageTrain Drivers have decided to launch a continuous Strike from midnight tonight (08) after the talks held between Railway Trade Unions and Deputy Transport Minister Ashoka Abeysinghe along with Transport Ministry officials, over their demand had failed according to the Train Drivers Union.

The Train Drivers are demanding to solve their salary anomaly problem.However Deputy Transport Minister Ashok Abeysinghe has stated that during the talks he had requested the Unions a two week period to solve the problem .


COLD MILK To Curing Your Sunburn -Dermatologists Claim