Thursday, April 5, 2018

Scientists Use Stem Cells To Grow Beating Human Heart First Time Ever


Philippines to temporarily close popular tourist island Boracay


1000 Talk "තව්සන් ටෝක්" ගේ ඡායාරූපයYoma "යොමා" ගේ ඡායාරූපයI Love You ගේ ඡායාරූපයRelated imageNava ගේ ඡායාරූපය
චානුවා - Chanuwa ගේ ඡායාරූපය

Sri Lanka Won Two Bronze Medals In Weightlifting On The First Day OF The Commonwealth Games

Image result for CHATHURANGA LAKMAL AND DINUSHA GOMESSri Lanka's  Male Weightlifter Chaturanga Lakmal Jayasuriya and Female Weightlifter Dinusha Gomaz had won two bronze medals for the country in their events worked out  at the 21st Commonwealth Games currently underway in Gold Coast ,Australia today(05).

Male Wightlifter Chaturanga had won the first medal for the country in the Commonwealth Games a Bronze Medal in 56 KG Category and later Female Weightlifter Dinusha Gomaz added another Bronze Medal to the Sri Lanka's Medal Tally in the first day of the games by wining the Bronze in Womens 48 KG Category .

Police Have Arrested Two Persons With 220 Kilo Grammes Of Kerala Cannabis In Possession

Image result for arrestedChilaw Police had arrested two persons with 220 Kilo Grammes of Kerala Cannabis in possession today (05) while transporting it by a Van near Bangadeniya Junction in Chilaw.

The estimated value of the stock of Kerala Cannabis taken into custody in possession of the suspects is around Rs.25 million it has been revealed.

Fourty Six Students Had Hospitalized Due To Food Poisioning

Image result for food poisoning
Forty Six Students attached to a school in  Monaragala who are in Anuradhapura for an Educational Trip  were admitted to the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital this morning  (05) due to a food poisoning.

The condition of the students is not critical according to reports.

The group of students had stayed in a Temple in Anuradhapura and fallen sick after consuming the food prepared by themselves it has been revealed.