Sunday, March 18, 2018

Lost Buoy Was Found After It's Voyage From Greenland


A Male Nurse Officer Arrested Over Touching A Hand Of A Female Nurse Officer And Made Her Unconscious

Peradeniya Police have arrested a male
Nurse Officer attached to the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital over touching a hand of a female Nurse Officer attached to the same hospital and made her unconcious ,as per a complaint made on the incident.

The suspected Male Nurse Office was charged over Harrasing the female officer since two years and after the female officer had complaint on the situation  to the hospital director .he had transferred both officers to different sections it has been revealed.

The suspect is due to be produced before the Kandy Magistrate Court.


Army Sergeant Was Arrested With Heroin And Arms In His Possession

An Army Sergeant was arrested by the Police with 02
grammes of Heroin and arms  in his possession today (18) at Panadura area.

Police have also taken in to custody 90 T-56 live bullets and 02 magasines in  possession of the suspect who is attached to the Salawa Army Base in Kosgama area.

The suspect is due to be produced before the Panadura Magistrate court .

An Indian National Was Arrested Over Illegally Staying In Sri Lanka

Muttur Police had yesterday (17)arrested a 31 year old Indian national over staying in Sri Lanka
 by violating immigration and Emigration  rules and involved in a business at Muttur area.

The suspected Indian National had arrived in Sri Lanka with tourist visas and involved in Cloth selling business illegally it has been revealed.

He is due to be produced before the Muttur Magistrate Court.

A Female Was Killed Due To A Road Accident In Nittambuwa

A 49 year old female was killed after colliding with a Van while crossing the road at
Nittambuwa on Colombo-Kandy main road this morning (18).

The critically injured female had succumbed to her injuries after admission to Wathupitiwala Base Hospital.The deceased was identified as a resident of Beliatta area.

Nittambuwa Police had arrested the Van driver regarding the acccident and investigating over the incident.

Islandwide Curfew To Continue Till Noon Today(22)

The Islandwide curfew imposed since 10p.m last night(21) is due to continue till 12 noon today (22) according to the government .Earlier gov...