Thursday, March 15, 2018

Colombo Fort Magistrate Has Issued Arrest Warrant To Arrest Former Central Bank Governor Arjun Mahendran

Colombo Fort Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne has today(15) issued arrest warrant to arrest the Main suspect of the Central Bank Bond Scam and former Central Bank Governor Arjun Mahendran who is in abroad and produced him before the court.
Image result for court order

The Magistrate has issued the arrest warrant when the  case on Central  Bank Bond Scam was taken up for hearing today.

 Colombo Fort Magistrate has issued the arrest warrant to arrest Arjun Mahendran as he
he has avoided appearing before the Criminal Investigations Department(CID)  to give evidence on the Bond Scam twice when requested to do so by the Court.

Colombo Fort Magistrate also ordered to further remand the imprisoned chief suspects of the Bond Scam case Arjun Aloysius and Kasun Palisena of Perpetual Treasuries  until 29th of March after they have been produced before the court.

Magistrate has also ordered the Telephone companies to provide details on  the telephone conversations the two suspects have with outsiders


President Has Instructed The TRC From Japan To Remove The Temporary Blockage Of Facebook Immediately

Related image.President Maithripala Sirisena who is currently in Japan for an official tour has instructed 
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) to remove the temporary blockage of Facebook with immediate effect.
Earlier the Government has stated that the removal of Facebook blockage will be done after the discussion with Facebook officials who are due to arrive in Sri Lanka today(15).Minister Harin Fernando has said that most probably the temporary b;blockage of Facebook will be lifted by tomorrow(16

 However TRC  not yet  commented on the removal of Facebook blockage.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Plastic Particles Found In Bottled Water Of Nine Countries

A Body Of A Deceased Wild Elephant Was Recovered In A Chena

A body of a Wild Elephant was recovered in a chena in Maligawila,
Monaragala area yesterday (14).

Wild Life officials have stated that the Elephant was killed due to an electrocution while attempting to enter a cultivation searching food.The deceased Elephant was around 25-35 years old it has been revealed


Scandinavian Flight Has Diverted After Passanager Finds Live Mouse In The Meal