Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Qatar ,A Country Where More Than 70 Percent Are Obese Or Overweight



Dog dies in overhead locker on United Airlines plane


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Image may contain: one or more people and text

Stephen Hawking, cosmology's brightest star, dies aged 76

Special Delegation Of Facebook Company To Arrive In Sri Lanka Tomorrow(15)

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A Special delegation representing Facebook Company is due to arrive in Sri Lanka tomorrow(15) to hold discussions with the Sri Lankan authorities to see the possibilities of removing the temporary blockage imposed on Facebook since last Wednesday(07) it has been revealed.

The delegation is comprising with Indian Facebook Officials and soon after arrival they are due to hold discussions with Present's Secretary and Chairman of the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC) Austin Fernando over the current situation .

The lifting of the temporary blockage imposed on Facebook is due to be decided after these talks .Minister Harin Fernando has already announced that the blockage of Facebook most probably be lifted by this Friday

Twenty Six Sri Lankans Illegally Migrated To Switzerland And Australia And Expelled From Those Countries Arrived In Sri Lanka

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Twenty Six Sri Lankans who were illegally migrated to Switzerland and Australia and expelled from those countries have been arrived in Katunayake,Bandaranaike International Airport this morning(14) via two special flights.

Accordingly a Special Aircraft  carrying 15 Sri Lankans expelled by thew Australian Authorities had arrived at the Katunayake Airport early this morning from a Special Aircraft sent by Australia and another 11 Sri Lankans expelled by Swiss authorities had arrived at the Airport from An Aircraft from Switzerland it has been revealed.

A large number of Security  personal in Switzerland and Australia had accompanied these illegal immigrants to Sri Lanka according to the reports.

Criminal Investigations Department (CID) officials have arrested them and they are  due to release after questioning.These Sri Lankans had migrated to Switzerland and Australia by seeking asylum there  citing the war here which ended in 2009.

Scandinavian Flight Has Diverted After Passanager Finds Live Mouse In The Meal