Friday, March 2, 2018

Four Police Officers Were Arrested Over Keeping An Expensive "Conch Shell"(Valampuri)In Their Possession

Police have arrested four Police officers
including a Deputy Inspector and three Constables attached to the Hikkaduwa Police Over illegally keeping an expensive Conch Shell (Walampuri) in their possession today (02 ) at Hikkaduwa area.

The  arrest was made under the instructions of Assistant Superintendent of Police in Galle.

The suspected Police Officers had grabbed the "Conch Shell"which worth more than Rs.10 million from a group of persons who had planned to auction it at market in Hikkaduwa it has been revealed.

The suspected Police Officers have been handed over to Galle Police and they are due to be produced before the Galle Magistrate Court tomorrow(02).

Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe Who Had Participated "Invest In Sri Lanka" summit In Singapore Had Returned To Sri Lanka

The seven member delegation led by
Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe who had participated the "Invest Sri Lanka"summit at "Four Seasons "Hotel in Singapore had returned to the   island today (02 ).The delegation left Singapore yesterday (02).

During the summit which was organized by the Colombo Stock Exchange ,Prime Minister had met with Singaporean Minister of Trade and Industry and held discussions over the ways that the both countries strengthening economic and trade ties under the newly signed Free Trade Agreement among two countries.

Singaporean investors who had partucipated the sunmit too shown their keen interest on investing in Sri LANKA it has been revealed. 

An Electricity Worker Has Died Due To An Electrocution During A Repair Work At Top Of A Lamp Post

A 39 year old worker attached to an
Electrical Contract Institute has died on the spot due to an electrocution  while repairing an electricity line on the top of a lamp post at Sirikapura.Rathgama area today (02).

The deceased who was a resident of Thotagamuwa in Hikkaduwa has died due to an electrocution while repairing the electricity line along with a fellow worker it has been revealed.

The body of the deceased had sent to the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital for the post mortem. 

Africa-Kenya Doctors Performs Brain Surgery On Wrong Patient

Penguin super-colony spotted from space


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