Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Second Day Of The Parliamentary Debate On Bond Scam And Serious Fraud And Corruption Reports Postponed Until Tomorrow

අදාළ රූපයThe second day of the Parliamentary Debate on Central Bank Bond Scam and Serious Fraud and Corruption Reports held today(20) had been postponed until tomorrow(21) after 40 minutes  due to the unavailability of the Tamil and English translations of the reports.

The Parliament debate held today was restricted to 40 minutes due to this situation.The Parliament Debate was postponed after the Tamil National Alliance(TNA) MP M.A Sumanthiram had pointed out on the unavailability of the translated copies which was backed by Joint Opposition MP's Dinesh Gunawardane and Vasudeva Nanayakkare.


Types Of Friends You Need To Have in Your Life

An end to food poisoning? Scientists develop $30 smartphone app that could tell you if your meal contains bacteria

Monday, February 19, 2018

A Rubbish Dump Collapse Killed Atleast 17 People


A Four Year Old Girl Was Hospitalized Due To An Assault Of Her Kindergrten Teacher

A four year old girl was injured and hospitalized due
to the assault of her  Kindergrten teacher in a Kindergarten at Padukke area on  last friday (16).

The injured girl was admitted to the Padukke Hospital for treatment with injuries to her ear and a leg it has been revealed.

The little girl's parents had complaint on the incident to the Hanwella Police and according to the complaint the teacher had assaulted the small girl over not consuming the meals during the interval,

Hearing Of A Case Against Former Litro Gas Chairman Had Postponed Unt

The hearing of the  court case filed against former
chairman of the Litro Gas Company Shaleela Munasinghe over receiving electricity to his house  in rJagiroya illegally by changing the light meter has been postponed  until 25th of June today (19) by the Colombo,Chief Magistrate court.

The illegal act of changing the light meter had recovered  through a Joint raid conducted by the Welikada Police and Elctricity Board..

The court Case was heard today before the Colombo Chief Magistrate .