Thursday, January 11, 2018

What Workers Around The World Do For Lunch

Former Presidential Secretary P.B Abeykoon Was Issued Summons To Appear Before Court

Colombo Magistrate Court has today (11) issued
summons to the former Secretary to the President P.B Abeykoon to appear before the court on 06th of April to give evidance on a case filed against former Minister Johnston Fernando.

The Bribery Commission had filed three cases against the former Minister fernando over not declaring his assets .


Three Persons Were Arrested With A Large Stock Of Cut Down Timber In Girithale

Dambulle Police have arrested three persons with a

large stock of Timber during a raid carried out in Girithale national reserve in Minneriya area.

During the raid Police have taken into custody cut down valuable timber of trees around 100 and 200 year old including mee,kaluwara,milla,halmilla and palu trees it has been revealed.

Police have also taken into custody the equipment used by the suspects to cut down trees and tractor used to transport the timber and brought them to Dambulle Police.

The suspects are residents of Kamuna area.

Black Snow Troubles Pollution In Temirtau City , Kazakasthan

California mudslides death toll rises with 17 still missing