Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sri Lanka Is Currently Facing A Fertilizer Shortage-Agriculture Minister

Sri Lanka is currently facing a fertilizer shortage due
to the delay of arriving the stock of fertilizer  ordered from Pakistan according to the Minister of Agriculture Duminda Dissanayake.

The shortage will be eased after arriving the ship carrying Fertilizer to Colombo Harbour  on this Saturday (30) he has stressed.

An Excavator Operator Was Killed Due To An Electrocution

An Excavator Operator was killed due an electrocution
while engaged in development work of the  Mahamodara Canal cleaning project in Galle yesterday (27).

The operator was electrocuted after  the steel plate he had lifted through the Excavator machine was colliding with a high voltage electricity line .

He was pronounced as dead after admission to the Intensive Care Unit of Karapitiya Teaching Hospital.

In 2017 More Than 14 Kilo Grammes Of Heroin Taken In To Custody-Minister Sagala Ratnayake

During raids carried out in 2017 upto now a haul of
Heroin weighing more than 14 Kilo Grammes had been taken into custody in possession of Heroin smugglers according to the Minister of Law and Order and Southern Development Sagala Ratnayake.

The estimated value of the Haul of Heroin taken into custody is nearly Rs.130 million he has stated.

Most of the raids which led to these arrests had been carried out by the newly formed Narcotics and Anti Organized Crimes Unit and the day eliminating narcotics and underworld is nearing according to the Minister.

The raids will be continued he has stressed.A special programme has been launched to arrest the key underworld leaders who were fled away from the country and hiding in foreign countries and bring them back to Sri Lanka Minister has further stated.

Cancer And Sugar ,Is There A Link?


Foreign-How Benazir Bhutto's Assasination Covered Up


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