Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Due To An Anti SAITM Protest Campaign One Lane In Town Hall Temporarily Closed

Due to a Anti SAITM Protest campaign held in front of
the Dental Institute in Ward Place ,Colombo 07 this noon (07) one lane in ward place from Town Hall towards Borella had temporarily closed for few hours by the police  for traffic.

The Inter University Students Federation (IUSF) had organized this protest by demanding to abolish SAITM.

Meanwhile the Death fast campaign launched by five fathers of state Medical students in front of the University Grants Commission building in Ward Place continues today as well.A discussion has been given by the President Maithripala Sirisena to State medical students parents association according to the association.

Circular Issued On How To Issue Petrol Has Been Cancelled By Minister Arjuna Ranathunge

The circular issued by Ministry Of Petroleum
Resources and Development this morning (07)by directing Oil filling stations to issue Petrol only to vehicles due to the current Petrol Shortage ,has been cancelled by Petroleum Resources Minister Arjuna Ranathunge this evening.

The circular has instructed the Oil filling stations not to issue Petrol to those who are coming with cans and bottles to purchase Petrol

In Addition To The Oil Carrier Due To Arrive In Tomorrow(08) Another Oil Carrier Will Arrive On Thursday -Prime Minister Stated In Parliament

SONY DSCIn addition to the Oil Carrier due to arrive in Colombo Harbor tomorrow(08) another Oil Carrier carrying Petrol will arrive in Colombo from India on this Thursday(09) Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has stated in Parliament today(07).

Meanwhile Prime Minister has instructed the Petroleum Resources Minister Arjuna Ranathunge to Investigate and report him on the reasons behind the sudden Petrol Shortage occurred in the Country .

Some Ministers had pointed out that there may be  a act of sabotage behind the current Petrol shortage  .

Petroleum Ministry Issued A Circular To Oil Filling Stations Directing To Issue Petrol Only For The Vehicles

Image result for long vehicle queues in colomboMinistry Of Petroleum Resources has today(07) issued a special circular to Oil filling stations throughout the island to issue Petrol only to vehicles without issuing to the people who are coming with cans and Bottles to collect Petrol.

Due to issuing Petrol to those who are coming with Cans and Bottles , the stocks of Petrol in most of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CEYPETCO) owned Oil filling stations in the island recedes  very quickly the Ministry has stated.

Both males and females have seen in the queues of both CEPETCO Oil filling stations as well as in Indian Oil Company(IOC) owned Oil filling stations carrying large plastic Cannes and bottles  to collect petrol these days due to the Petrol shortage.

 However the people coming with Cannes and Bottles to collect Petrol have said that they do not brought their vehicles to the filling stations as they are parked  streets due to  run out of Fuel.

Due to the long  Queues in front of  Oil filling stations  at major cities in the country  to purchase Petrol   main roads have been blocked and today(07) Town Hall too experienced a blockage due to these Vehicle queues.

Police officers have seen deployed in many Oil filling stations around Colombo for security.

Health-Spicy foods may heighten our perception of salt

Adding some spice to food may make you more aware of the taste of salt, a new study suggests.
The findings, published Tuesday in the journal Hypertension, indicates that eating spicy foods may help us consume less salt — and, ultimately, lower blood pressure.

According to the World Health Organization, people are eating too much salt across the globe, increasing the prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.That problem prompted Zhiming Zhu, M.D., a professor of cardiovascular medicine and metabolism at the Chongqing Institute of Hypertension in China, to study alternative ways to reduce salt intake.He and his colleagues decided to specifically focus on spicy food.

Spicy food has been associated with a healthy heart in the past, Zhu explains. People who consume spicy food almost every day have a 14 percent lower risk of death than those who eat spicy foods less than once a week, a 2015 study shows. Those same people are also less likely to die from diabetes, cancer and ischemic heart disease.

In the study, the team first examined if people who eat and enjoy spicy foods actually have lower blood pressure than those who don’t. Participants’ salty and spicy preferences were gauged with taste tests of solutions that contained varying levels of salt and capsaicin, the compound that makes chili peppers hot. Participants also completed a detailed diet questionnaire about their salty and spicy food habits.
The researchers found that those who enjoyed spicy solutions had lower overall blood pressure. These same people were also more sensitive to the taste of salt.Participants who enjoyed high-salt solutions, on the other hand, had higher blood pressure overall and tended to dislike spicy solutions.

The team then looked at how the brain reacted to salt and capsaicin. Using PET and CT scans, the researchers recorded activity in the brain after participants ingested different concentrations of salty solutions with and without added capsaicin. Activity was specifically analyzed in the insula and orbitofrontal cortex regions of the brain.
“Previous brain functioning studies in humans and animals indicate that the response, or activity, in the insula is correlated with the intensity of taste an individual perceives,” Zhu explained. “The orbitofrontal cortex is often called the secondary taste cortex; its responses, or activity, are correlated with the pleasantness of taste for an individual.”
The scans showed that higher salt concentrations resulted in higher brain activity in both regions of the brain. However, when capsaicin was added to a lower salt solution, brain activity increased and reflected activity that was seen with higher salt concentrations.
“These results indicate that spicy flavor can modify our perception of salt intensity,” Zhu said. “We speculate that just by adding spices to low-salt foods, we may increase our salt taste and perceive the same saltiness as high-salt foods.”
How capsaicin tricks the brain into thinking there’s more salt is not yet understood. Zhu thinks capsaicin may be activating sodium taste receptors on the tongue, thus increasing the intensity of salty taste signaling that goes to the brain.
Does this mean we should be eating more spicy foods to try to lower blood pressure?
Not exactly, said Cheryl Laffer, M.D., Ph.D., of the Comprehensive Hypertension Center at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
“My gut reaction is that while this is potentially useful information, it’s not going to change what I do in practice,” Laffer said. “This is just an association study; the researchers are saying that people who eat spicy food have lower blood pressures, but they have no proof that spicy food actually lowers pressure.”
She added, “But what I do tell my patients is that I am pretty sure that lowering their salt intake will lower their blood pressure.”
Until there’s more proof, both Laffer and Zhu agree that incorporating chili peppers into daily cooking couldn’t hurt.(American Heart Association)

Monday, November 6, 2017

Eight Suspects Except Ninth Suspect MP Hirunika Premachandre Accepted Charges Leveled Against Them On Abduction Case

Eight suspects out of nine except United Peoples
Freedom Alliance (UPFA) MP Hirunika Premachandre who charged of abduction and assaulting of a youth in Dematagoda on 21st of December 2015 had yesterday (06)accepted the charges against them before Colombo High Court.

Accordingly the eight suspects had accepted the 29 charges leveled against them over the abduction case.

The Attorney General had filed a case against MP Hirunika Premachandre and eight of her aides over abducting and assaulting of a youth resident of Gothatuwa at Dematagoda area in 2015.A Defender belongs to MP Premachandre was used for the abduction it has been revealed.

The lawyer representing behalf of MP Hirunika Premachandre has informed the court that his client will not accept the charges leveled on her regarding the case and requested a date to hear the case  against her.

Court is due to announce the punishments of eight suspects who had accepted their charges on 24th of November.