Dengue mosquito Aedes Aegypti is a day biter who can
bite humans during any time of the day although a specific time period given by the authorities from 6 a.m to 8 a.m in the morning and 4 p.m to 6 p.m in the e evening which are peak hours of their bite and the mosqito is hiding in dark places like under the furniture and hanged cloths according to the World Health Organization (WHO) expert Dr.Bhupendra Nagpal.
To avoid mosquito bites public should apply a mosquito repellent,wearing light coloured long sleeve cloths ,use mosquito nets during sleep and avoid places mosquitos are he has stressed during a seminar held yesterday (27)at the Government Information Department in Narahenpita regarding the Dengue control.
He has further said that although authorities used fumigation to control Dengue mosquitoes it's not 100%effective and should remove or destroy water collected containers and medias and clean houses/gardens and premises seven days a week to keep enviornment clean so the Dengue mosquitoes will disapoear as a result of it.
bite humans during any time of the day although a specific time period given by the authorities from 6 a.m to 8 a.m in the morning and 4 p.m to 6 p.m in the e evening which are peak hours of their bite and the mosqito is hiding in dark places like under the furniture and hanged cloths according to the World Health Organization (WHO) expert Dr.Bhupendra Nagpal.
To avoid mosquito bites public should apply a mosquito repellent,wearing light coloured long sleeve cloths ,use mosquito nets during sleep and avoid places mosquitos are he has stressed during a seminar held yesterday (27)at the Government Information Department in Narahenpita regarding the Dengue control.
He has further said that although authorities used fumigation to control Dengue mosquitoes it's not 100%effective and should remove or destroy water collected containers and medias and clean houses/gardens and premises seven days a week to keep enviornment clean so the Dengue mosquitoes will disapoear as a result of it.