Around Eight School Children have been admitted to the Mancholai Hospital in Mulathivu this morning (18)due to a shock as a result of a sudden explosion occurred in a garbage mound during a Dengue Control Programme held in Kokilai Sinhala School in Mulathivu.
The explosion occurred after a group of students of the school set fire to a collected garbage under the Dengue Control Programme .
All the Hospitalized students were admitted to the Hospital due to a shock and no one was injured due to the incident according to the Mulathivu Police.
A special Police Teams attached to the Mulathivu and Kokilai Police Stations had arrived in the scene and conducting an investigations on the explosion it has been reported.
The explosion occurred after a group of students of the school set fire to a collected garbage under the Dengue Control Programme .
All the Hospitalized students were admitted to the Hospital due to a shock and no one was injured due to the incident according to the Mulathivu Police.
A special Police Teams attached to the Mulathivu and Kokilai Police Stations had arrived in the scene and conducting an investigations on the explosion it has been reported.