Madirigiriya police have arrested 41 grade 10 and 11
students (Both male and female)attached to a school in Madirigiriya ,Polonnaruwa on wednesday (12) over cutting their hands and bodies severely through blades and school instruments in their class after consuming a narcotic.
students (Both male and female)attached to a school in Madirigiriya ,Polonnaruwa on wednesday (12) over cutting their hands and bodies severely through blades and school instruments in their class after consuming a narcotic.
After strictly warned, the students were handed over to their parents by the police.
After seeing an unusual behaviour of these students the deputy principal of the school had checked the students and found that they cut their hands and bodies .Police have arrested the students as per the information received through the deputy principal.
A special police team in Polonnaruwa had begun an investigation on the incident.