Thursday, July 6, 2017

Police Have Closed Down The Entry Road To Galle Face Road Due To A Protest March

Image result for protest clip artPolice have closed down the  entry road to Galle Face road from  Lotus Roundabout this noon(06) due to a protest march launched by the  Unemployed Graduates Union demanding solutions for their unemployment problem..

Due to this situation a heavy traffic has been reported from the area for hours this noon and Police have advised the motorists to use an alternative routes when traveling.

The Unemployed Graduates had later staged a protest campaign  in front of the Colombo Fort Railway Station.

Health Minister Instructed The Officials To Prepare A Report On Gene Technology Therapy In View Of Implementing It Here

Image result for gene technology treatmentHealth Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has instructed the Ministry Officials to prepare a report on Treating diseases including Cancers through the Gene Technology Therapy currently use by USA ,and hand over to him within two weeks.

As the Health Minister  plans to form a  Gene Technology Therapy  Unit here and implement the treatment ,he held a meeting with nine Sri Lankan Doctors who had undergone a training on this technology at the Ministry recently.

During the meeting Doctors who participated the meeting pledged their assistance to the Minister when implementing the Gene Technology Therapy here according to the Ministry sources.

Health Minister has also stated during the meeting that a special training on the technology will be given to these doctors in three American Universities namely Beeler,Houston and Rice which are successfully implemented this Gene Technology Therapy for treating many diseases.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Foreign-Children Sniffing Unsniffable Fuel Have Higher Levels Of Lead In Blood


Cabinet Approved A Proposal To Import 125 Sheep To The Country

Cabinet has approved a proposal to import 125 Sheep
to improve farming in the farms belonging to National Livestock Development Board and in private farms.

Accordingly approval had been given to import 100 male sheep and 25 female sheep by utilizing Rs.10 million allocated through the budget for 2017 through a proper procurement procedure it has been revealed.

Minister of Rural Economic affairs P.Harrison has submitted the proposal on importing sheep as there is no improvement in sheep farming in the country since 1980.Sheep farming has been done in government and private owned farms in North and North Western provinces.

A Female Was Arrested Over Steeling Jewelry From A Shop

Kinniya Police have arrested a female over steeling a
stock of Jewrlry worth around Rs.96,000.

The suspected female was arrested after inspecting the CCTV Camera footages it has been reported.

A Person Arrested With Three Kilo Grammes Of Kerala Canabies

Sri Lanka navy personal along with the Police Officers
attached to the Kelaniya Police have arrested a person with 3 kilo Grammes of Kerala Cannabies in   his possession at Kelaniya area.

The suspect was arrested while transporting the stock of Kerala Cannabies .

Rice Company Owner Dudley Sirisena to Supply Rice For The Controlled Price

 The owner of the Araliya Rice Company Dudley Sirisena has yesterday(28) stated that his Company  along with other Rice companies  will supp...