A heavy traffic has been reported in and around Nugegoda area this evening(05) due to a Anti SAITM protest march organized by Inter University Students Federation(IUSF).
Due to the protest march and the Rally which began short while at Ananda Samarakoon Open Theater in Nugegoda ,Police have closed the Stanly Thilakaratne Mawatha from High Level Junction to Pagoda Junction .
Three protest marches began from Wijerama Junction,Kirulapona and Kalubowila Junction have marched towards the Ananda Samarakoon Open Theater and University/Medical Students,Doctors,Teachers Union representatives and Civil Organization members joined these marches according to the reports. The protestors demanding the government to abolish the Malabe Private Medical Collage known as SAITM.
Due to the protest march security has tightened in Nugegoda area since this noon.The protestors have already reached the open theater and a rally has began with the participation of several trade unions , Joint Opposition MP's and some Bhikkus.