Saturday, July 1, 2017

Foreign-Italy Threatens To Close It's Ports To Migrants


Sri Lankan Students Spent Rs.132 Billion Annually For Medical Education In Abroad

Sri Lankan students are being spent Rs.132 billion
annually  for medical education in foreign countries according to the Minister of Health Dr.Rajitha Senaratne.

Only 17% out of the total number of students app
Iied for medicine can be selected for local medical faculties and therefore the 83% who have been not selected are going abroad for medical education Minister has stressed.

Through developing medical faculties here can save this huge amount of money allocated for medical education in foreign countries the Minister have stated .

A Person Was Killed After Colliding With A Train

A person was killed after colliding with a Train
travelling from Batticaloa to Colombo at lakshauyana ,Polonnaruwa.

The deceased had been identified as a 39 year old resident of Gokarelle area.

Polonnaruwa police are conducting an investigation on the incident.


A Person With More Than A Kilo Gramme Of Cannabis In Possession Had Been Arrested

A person with 01 Kilo Gramme and 50 grammes of
Cannabis in his possession had been arrested by the Western Provincial anti fraud unit officers yesterday (01)near the flyover bridge in Orugodawatte.

The suspect had been identified as a 25 year old resident of Kolonnawa area.

Western Provincial Anti Fraud Unit has launched an investigation on the incident.

Rice Company Owner Dudley Sirisena to Supply Rice For The Controlled Price

 The owner of the Araliya Rice Company Dudley Sirisena has yesterday(28) stated that his Company  along with other Rice companies  will supp...